Wednesday, March 25, 2015

I enjoyed listening to David Carson's TED. It was informative and effective through his use of pictures to back up what he was saying. The emotional connection to design is incredibly important for the viewer, as it changes their perception of the information. As Carson states, "Just because something's legible doesn't mean it communicates". This is an significant idea, especially as a developing designer. It is important to always keep in mind the goal of any design work: to communicate. For a project using primarily typography, this is crucial. While developing this project, I will keep in mind a couple of questions... Does the typography contribute to the understanding of the box? Or does it get in the way? 

Another important point that Carson made was the fact that the designer plays a significant role in the act of design. Each designer brings their own perceptions, preconceptions, backgrounds, and belief systems to the game. Because of this, all design work is unique. He emphasizes the importance of experimentation and not taking design too seriously. This, to me, is almost in equal importance as communication. Oftentimes, it's difficult to step back and really just play, but this is necessary to make new forms and create something out of the ordinary. 

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