Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Here are a couple of explorations for the 'chance' exercise. For the first box, I used the rules posted on the website, but for the second, I made up my own!

For the second exploration, I:
flipped coin twice for type (HH: roman, HT: italic, TH: bold, TT: bold italic)
flipped once for orientation (H: normal, T: rotate)
flipped twice for place (HH: x1y1, HT: x1y4, TH: x3y2, TT: x4y3)
flipped twice for type size (HH: 10/14, HT: 18/18, TH: 30/34, TT: 48/56)
and finally, flipped coin twice for color (HH: orange, HT: blue, TH: black, TT: grey)

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