Tuesday, May 5, 2015

For the final project of the semester, I used color, texture, and pattern to imitate the vibrant sound and infrastructure surrounding bebop jazz and incorporate it into the viewer experience within the exhibition space, as well as in the booklet. The curvilinear walls and graphics reflect the contrasting nature of jazz and help the viewer understand the complexities of the genre, while the booklet acts as an informational guide to Charlie Parker. 




Monday, May 4, 2015

Here are the first ideas I came up with for the booklet. I tried to keep the visual experience similar to that of the exhibition space. This includes use of color, texture, pattern, and similar imagery. 

I used the same signage as what was on the building, and repeated images found in the space.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Here is the floor plan and elevation for my space so far.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

For the final project of the semester, we will be creating spatial experiences on Charlie Parker and bebop jazz. I would like to create an experience that mimics the experience of listening to bebop jazz. Bebop Jazz moves quickly and focuses on improvisation and experimentation with the melody and harmony. It is intricate and asymmetrical and the name is based off of 'scat singing', or nonsense syllables. I would like the spatial experience to reflect this seemingly random yet intentional style of music. 

I would like the space to be set up in a fluid manner. Perhaps starting out with tight passages to push the viewer through into a more open floor plan. This would demonstrate the sense of bebop jazz, a series of passages that eventually lead to an understanding of the melody. I would like the space to include a primary color palette, with subdued undertones that represent that soaring improvisational saxophone melodies paired with the calmer and more tame back up band. I think primary colors give a sense of the art and bebop album covers of the time, as well. 

I am inspired by Basquiat's Trumpet and Horn Players, both of which include jazz instruments and references to great musicians like Charlie Parker and Dizzy Gilespy. The use of color, line, and a rough texture lend to the experience of the viewer. I would like my imagery to reflect this to a certain extent, though perhaps be a bit more refined and subdued so as not to overwhelm the viewer. 

Monday, April 20, 2015


Icons for Bebop Jazz and Charlie Parker include photos of him playing, as well as photos of jazz bands during the time. These icons have a physical resemblance between the signal and meaning. Because music is not tangible, it is impossible to have an absolute representation, but seeing jazz musicians play is as close as it gets. 


An index has a correlation in space and time with the meaning of Bebop Jazz, and because of this, can be represented by jazz instruments, bebop art and posters. 


Symbols include words that produce meaning through the association with other symbols, and from its correlation with environmental patterns. I think one of the best representations that I found was created by Jean-Michel Basquiat. Although he doesn't directly represent bebop jazz, his use of words in his paintings (ornithology, Charlie Parker, bebop) in combination with imagery and iconography ground them as symbols of Bebop Jazz.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

For my three cereal boxes, I chose to work off three themes: refined, interdependence, and comfort. The first of the boxes, I accomplished a refined feel by using calligraphic ink in black and white. It is simple and elegant, which demonstrates refinement. Next, I stacked letters on top of each other, all depending on one another to stay up and build a pile. Finally, for comfort, I hand stitched type, which reminds me of my grandmother and the comfort of her home.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Right now I am inspired by lots of different type-making techniques, including (but not limited to) watercolor, ink and brush, and embroidery... I would like to experiment more with refined type. 

Thursday, April 2, 2015

I have continued working on the cereal boxes, trying to experiment with a wide variety of media. This includes ink and brush, computer, colored pencil and cut paper. I'm also trying to work on the composition of each work, with a focus on clean, simple design. I need to try and open up and work messy, which can be difficult for me. That's something I'll work on for Tuesday.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Here are a couple of explorations for the 'chance' exercise. For the first box, I used the rules posted on the website, but for the second, I made up my own!

For the second exploration, I:
flipped coin twice for type (HH: roman, HT: italic, TH: bold, TT: bold italic)
flipped once for orientation (H: normal, T: rotate)
flipped twice for place (HH: x1y1, HT: x1y4, TH: x3y2, TT: x4y3)
flipped twice for type size (HH: 10/14, HT: 18/18, TH: 30/34, TT: 48/56)
and finally, flipped coin twice for color (HH: orange, HT: blue, TH: black, TT: grey)